改错.1.lf she comes or not doesn't concern me.2.Whoever was responsible for the accident is...改错.1.lf she comes or not doesn't concern me.2.Whoever was responsible for the accident is not yet clear.3.We never doubt whether he is honest.4.You mu

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 14:51:01
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改错.1.lf she comes or not doesn't concern me.2.Whoever was responsible for the accident is...改错.1.lf she comes or not doesn't concern me.2.Whoever was responsible for the accident is not yet clear.3.We never doubt whether he is honest.4.You mu 改错--Mary didn't come,did she?--Yes,she comes. She said she would be back sooner or late改错 名词性从句的改错 每题就1个错误 只要说什么改成什么就行了1.If she comes or not dosen‘t concern me2.Whoever was responsible for the accident is not yet clear3.We never doubt whether he is honest4.You must give it back to whom 1.What do you have about breakfask?改错并语法说明 2.Pandas comes from China.3.She do her homeworkevery evening. she might have loved him or she wouldnot have married him改错 求翻译:It won't make much difference whether she comes or not “it doesn't matter whether her comes or not” 是she还是her啊? %.lf%%, were she comes Here She Comes 歌词 she comes in She comes in I had to say.lf i decided to believe some people,l will believe evdrything he or she said翻译下 会英语的帮帮忙!有点多,一.改错1.I like to walking.2.Don't call she Lily,plcase.3.She is aold teacher.4.How does she comes to school?二.句型转换1.She is going there (by bile).就括号部分提问!2.She often does some washing on Suda 英语单句改错(每句至多有一个错误)1.As most students,she never comes to school late.2.We waited a long time after the bus came. She doesn't decide if to go to the cinema or to watch TVat home 改错 when it comes to whether she can be successsful or not,opinions .这句话对吗?when it comes to 后能直接加从句吗