此句中的be for当什么讲?The prediction is for a good working relationship between human beings and their tireless helpers.请详细说明

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 23:22:35
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此句中的be for当什么讲?The prediction is for a good working relationship between human beings and their tireless helpers.请详细说明 这里的disabled是什么意思?to discuss goals for helping the country's disabled 此句中的disabled什么意思? 英语 句子的谓语A task that cannot be efficiently or effectively completed by any member of the group alone请问此定语从句中的谓语是 cannot be efficiently or effectively completed 还是什么 请具体讲解下此句的谓语 若 Huangshan is very famous as a mountain.请问:其中的famous as当什么讲?附加:famous for与be famous as”的区别. 如何理解present在此句中的意思?1.He is presented as the more suitable candidate for this position.他更适合这个职位.如果present当呈现,表现讲,为什么不是He presents as而一定是He is presented,如何理解present的用 take on 和take in 都有接受的意思,请问有什么区别?would-be artists can draw flat forms or separate parts and then join them together 此句中would-be这种形式出现时什么意思?怎么使用?the adventures are for fun,but a noble p 会讲英文的人士进.Pumpkins have hard skins and seeds in the center.此句中的seeds与 in the center之间为什么没有be?请讲解. Prospects for the coming year look bright.此句中的 prospect for 用得是否合适为什么不用 prospect of? 苦心孤诣中的诣当什么意思,讲 Two thousand dollars is enough for the car.此句里的be动词为什么用is而不是用are? I have some eggs for dinner.此句中的for dinner 在句子中充当什么成分? The wife was disappointed to hear that 中的to当什么讲 The Internet can change our lives for the better.此句中life做生活讲时不是不可数名词吗,为什么会用复数形式lives呢? for the first time句中的for属于它的什么用法 fix a house 此处fix当什么讲 And I'm a always be there for youalways在此句是充当什么成份?名词? what are your p------ for the summer Vacation Don’t be s------!根据句意首字母写词 古文中的“跑”当什么讲古文中,“行”当走讲,“走”当跑讲,那“跑”当什么讲?