He was() admittance to the concert hall for not being properly dressedA,rejected·Bdenied C,withheld D,deprived 我的答案怎么选择C 求详解

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 08:30:34
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He was() admittance to the concert hall for not being properly dressedA,rejected·Bdenied C,withheld D,deprived 我的答案怎么选择C 求详解 he was denied admittance to the very formal party for not being dressed properly.为什么是being dressed 而不是dressing he was () admittance to the theatre for not being properly dressed.denied rejected reppelled deprived为什么不选reject?1988考研英语12题 为什么这句用entrance这个名词As he has no ticket,he was refused entrance to the stadium.entrance to the stadium 在这句中做什么成分?句子意思我知道.英语牛津高阶上有这么一个例句:I was refused admittance.所以我 he was very ( ). you (was,were) I (was,were) he (was,were) “He was 单句改错 1.Taking good care of,the old man feels very happy.2.Leading by the Party,we have won victory after another.3.he made an admittance of his guilt When he( )young ,he( ) naughtyA,is,is B,was,was C,is,was D,was,is He was in Beijing( )(那时) He was so ( )(恐惧)that he ran away quickly. He-------------(know)the city since he was very young. He looked at me.He was pleasant.(合并句子) He was not at school yesterday because he was ill.(同义句) the writer was very_____(humour)when he was young,he liked to tell jokes He was not the man( )he was before.为什么填what He was very tired that he was still in bed.(哪里错了) he was sure to win the race.(同义句) he was sure______ ______winthe race.