按要求该写句子:What is his name?(用Ben回答)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:33:02
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按要求该写句子:What is his name?(用Ben回答) 用以给的词填空,按要求该写句子1.What is she doing now now?(run / track 、field) 按要求该写句子 英语 英语的一道超简单的题按要求写下面句子,每空一词例HIS name is Tom.(TOM这个名字下面有下划线.要求按照画线部分提问)What is his name?那:James is Fine.(注:FINE下面有下划线.对画线部分提问)_____ 英语按要求该写句子改成特殊疑问句mr wood is in the office.(where)she is a worker (what)the peach is drom sichuan (where)my father is fine (how)this ink is red (what colour)he is my student (who)li ming is in class two (which)her name i 按要求该句子 按要求改写下列句子.急一、按要求改写下列句子1、name,is,of,the,what,his,cat(连词成句)______________________________2、right,you,father,and,are,mother,Lily's(连词成句)__________________________二、下列各句中均有 请按要求该写句子This is my family photo and that is his family photo.(改为复数形式)Are those your desks?(改为单数形式)Is that tirl your sister?(肯定回答)Is Guo Kai your brother?(否定回答) 按要求该写句子1.She has few friends(改为反意疑问句)2.That is very interesting.(同上要求) 按要求写句子 按要求改写句子A bird is making a nest in the tree.要求改写以what开头的句子 把英语单词组成句子:like his what teacher favourite is ) his,what,name,is,first,怎样连成句子 when is his birthday? 句子开头为什么不用what? like his what teacher favourite is 排列句子 英语:按要求该写句子The lady _in white _ is her Chinese teacher .(对划线部分提问)_____________________________________________________ 按要求该写句子,每空格限填一词 Alice is a lovely girl.(保持句意不变) Alice ___ ___. 一.按要求写句子.1.Are you wang ping 同义句:1.( ) ( ) ( ) wang ping 二.根据对话写句子.A:Hi!What is you name B:My name is Jim ,Jim Brown.A:( 1 )B:B-R-O-W-N.A:What is your phone number?B:My phone number is 667-9178.A:Who is the boy ove