—— disappointing the result is A.what B.what a C.how

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 11:51:31
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when the old man talks to his ——son,a——look came into his face 速度回答 20分 要原因A disappointed disappointedB disappointed disappointingC disappointing disappointedD disappointing disappointing —— disappointing the result is A.what B.what a C.how The act of disappointing. 1、————,Lucy left the room without a word.A、Looking disappointedB、Looked disappointing C、Looking disappointedD、Looked disappointed应该选什么?为什么这么选? She was worried because she made her parents ———— Adisappoint Bdisappointed C disappointing 求 The service so far has been disappointing翻译 单句改错When the boy came into the classroom,he found the others disappointing they lost the game.the news was very _____ 1.disappointing 2.disappointed 3.disappoint4.disappointment The result of the test was rather____A disappointed B disappointing C being disappointed D disappoint with的复合结构,With his son _____,the old man felt unhappy.A.to disappoint B.to be disappointing C.disappointing D.being disappointing错选D,想请问为什么D选项不能理解为with+doing? Her()face suggested that she() the playA disappointed dislikedB disappointing should dislikeC disappointed should dislikeD disappointing disliked第一个空 为什么用过去分词? “总的来说”用英语怎么说?In ___________ ,the performance was disappointing.是单词拼写哦! The pictures it sent us were very disappointing上句有朋友说是定语从句, the _____________ boy sat in the corner,_______________.The _____________ boy sat in the corner,_______________.A.disappointing,crying B.disappointing,cried C.disappointed,crying D.disappointed,cried 选什么,为啥...选C 为什么 选哪儿个?是什么语法点?12.All the newspaper reporters hurried to the airport,_______ that the pop star didn’t turn up at all.A.disappointing to find B.disappointed finding C.disappointing finding D.disappointed to find 新概念二册61课第二句The main mirror was faulty,so the pictures it sent us were very disappointing请问为什么会有It 如果没有so the pictures sent us were very disappointing.不也可以吗 新概念二册61课第二句The main mirror was faulty,so the pictures it sent us were very disappointing请问为什么会有It 如果没有so the pictures sent us were very disappointing.不也可以吗 Tom was _____at the bad news that he didn't pass the exam.He ____OK tomorrow.A.disappointing;is BTom was _____at the bad news that he didn't pass the exam.He ____OK tomorrow.A.disappointing;isB.disappointing;will beC.disappointed;is D.disappointed;wi