悬赏50分回答简单英语口语试题1.There are four seasons in a year,could you tell us what is your favourite?why?2.There are mang historical places in Cina what is your favourite and why?3.Recently more and more college students indulge in pa

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 00:15:15
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悬赏50分回答简单英语口语试题1.There are four seasons in a year,could you tell us what is your favourite?why?2.There are mang historical places in Cina what is your favourite and why?3.Recently more and more college students indulge in pa 简单英语口语回答When is Spring Festival? what is the longest trip you have ever taken?用简单的英语口语回答也可以 有关于小学我爱数学夏令营的试题,在三点之前回答巨分悬赏! 如何防范暴雨洪水灾害简单回答就行,最好分条(1...... 2......)我已经放血悬赏了,请大家帮忙!!!急!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2005英语口语试题 《跳水》一文中为什么要写猴子?请简单说一说.很急啊!!如果回答正确再加5分悬赏!!!!!拜托了!!!!!!!!! 英语口语模拟试题1.Say something about your English teacher只写三十左右个单词就行,不必太多但要有意义,不要太过简单 求华东理工大学自主招生试题悬赏100分如有应考攻略酌情加50-100分,谢谢!你有密码么 您的回答已经采纳啦.悬赏分不够,没法给你50分了.抱歉! 英语口语试题回答1.Do you think money is the source of happiness or the root of all evils?Why?Most people want to possess a large sum of money,but what is the proper way to make big money?2.Exercise can have many unexpected effects on our body 英语口语试题,大家帮忙媒体写两到三句回答,1.Is it necessary for a high school student to own a cell phone?GOOD or BAD?2.How do you think of making friends on the internet?3.In your opinion,What is the biggest obstacle in studying Eng 微软的英语口语面试题 香港大学英语口语面试试题及过程(好的追加200分!)1.香港大学的面试过程大概是怎样的?2.有往年的面试试题吗? 急求!3人对话英语口语文章 悬赏50分! 明早要用 题材不限大概4 到5分钟 跪求啊 明早要用啊 大神们救命啊 英语口语试题,需要每个问题有2-3分钟的回答,哪个高手帮忙一下?1.what are the advantages and disadvantages of different means of transporation,for example,bus,taxi,private car,etc? 2.where do you prefer to live,downtown areas o What does the water in my house come from?(英语回答)快,好的加悬赏分 冰的英语怎么说?急需``在5分钟内回答的悬赏50分```