括号中的词组连接以下句子,可做其他必要改动.Old Jim Smith was born in 1918.The First World War had just finished .He boasts that he has visited every counrty in Europe and the Americas.(Born…when…old Jim Smith)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 05:55:09
xMKAǿ d[EtPyˉ]]n VF/EK]b[4NxH"̭8޶?2=  Haü vJ2Cs$Цjehlbl\Y0!ԴВAtIHSch-)VNL ǐ2ejZ&4B2H bK~ LЊԩH`1h2)YQMedJ~KU65lgoeaC8FY> ![/eIwSi8'dzKxyAw07ŝ[Y<{٢\;E6t gj~WMxզBݶl6A;U܆x0c35cG̈́Gi6
括号中的词组连接以下句子,可做其他必要改动.Old Jim Smith was born in 1918.The First World War had just finished .He boasts that he has visited every counrty in Europe and the Americas.(Born…when…old Jim Smith) 英语:用括号中的词连接以下各种句子,可做其他必要改动1.I want you to post this card.The letter-box will have been emptied by 5.(before)2.We will celebrate the New Year in half an hour.The clock will have struck 12 by then.(afte 用括号中的词连接句子,句子可做必要的改动1.The party was over.Everyone went home.(when……)2.I heard the telephone ring. I am downstairs. I wanted to answer it.(when.to.) 用括号中的词连接句子,句子可做必要的改动1.The party was over.Everyone went home.(when……)2.I heard the telephone ring.I am downstairs.I wanted to answer it.(when.to.) 用括号中的词来连接下列句子,如需要可对原句进行必要的改动.She was afraid.(of)She did not spend thenight alone. We realized that we had missed the last bus .We decided to walk to the railway station.We wantedto find a taxi.(Realizing.to)用括号中的词组连接句子,可作必要修改.(这是新概念2练习册73课中的A部分第5题)希望大家帮 新概念2第20课关键句型练习C答案新概念2册第20课关键句型练习C用括号中的词来连接下列句子,如需要可对原句进行必要的改动答案 用括号中的词来连接下列句子,如需要可对原句进行必要的改动.She bought a pair of boots.(instead of)She did not get a pair of shoes. 哪位高人能帮我回答下下面的英语问题?>用括号中的词不达意来连接下列句子,如需要可对原句进行必要的改动 he went out of the restaurant .(without)he did not pay the bill she bought a pair of boots.(instead of) s 用spare的形容词形式或动词形式改东西!用spare的形容词形式或动词形式来代替句子重用斜体书写的单词或短语,并对句中的其他部分做必要的改动1.I always go on excursions in my free time2.Have you any ol 改写以下句子,用can或may来代替括号里的词组 .1.(Perhaps the play has )begun already.2.(Will you let me )leave the table please?给出括号中形容词的正确形式,必要时加上than.(形容词的比较级和最高级)1.It is _____ 用ing形式连接以下各组句子,必要时可作其他改动1.i went into the room.i didn't knock.(without)2.why don't you go by bus?don't go by train.(instead of)3.i left the restaurant,i paid my bill.(after)4.i left the hotel.i met an old frien 改写以下句子,用can或may来代替括号内的词组 (Perhaps he will)telephone tomorrow. 用括号里的词组改句子:We can't go to school right now.(leave a little later) the high building (they are looking at) are big hotel解释一下括号中的词组在本句子中的成分, 用括号中的次或短语连接句子 It stopped raining.Then I woke up.(when) 画出下列词语或句子中的错别字,然后改正在括号里. Mary with Tom( )learning English.这个句子中的括号中 改填写 is 还是are?