the professor has two sons,---- are teaching in the same university 填 neither of them 还是填什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 08:00:00
x)+HU((OK-./RH,V()W(+ĢT̼t<TҼ̲Ԣ̒J W+f@Jr^lz̓ Ovv$.;,)$鄾s=%O׿Xdǒ';V=ٵKYgÓKJ5$AoIdÉ0%
单项选择._____ of the girls has been to college.A.Tw单项选择._____ of the girls has been to college.A.TwoB.AllC.NoneD.No one The professor,including all of his students ______gone abroad.( have)has,为什么? The professor has a __books.B.great number of C.great many of The Professor音标?RT The professor,together with his son,_____Lanzhou ____BeijingA.have left...forB.has left...forC.have left ...toD.has left it is only that the professor has promised us to attent the party?A.lately B.lateC.latest D.later为什么选A?原因.it is only___ that the professor has promised us to attent the party? the professor has two sons,---- are teaching in the same university 填 neither of them 还是填什么 25.________ and the lecture began.a.In the professor comes b.In the professor comes c.In came the professor d.In comes the professor 26.The old woman is ________ composer as any good a b.such good a a good good a 27.He has ____ 英语单选.一道.the famous professor has several lectures ( tio attend ) every day.为什么不用attending The professor always has good solutions _____ others' problems.A.of C.with D.about 要有分析 the professor --------english in beijing in 2005.A.teaches B.has taught C.will teach D.taught the most two famous rivers还是the most famous tw The writer and professor has been invited to give a speech to the public already其中为什么是has been而不是 have been? professor Professor White has written some short stories,but he is ( ) known for his plays.A.the best B.the better C.better D.the most THE PROFESSOR AND THE MADMAN怎么样 Professor White has written some stories,but he is ____known for his plays.A the best B more C better D the most professor white has written some short stories.but he is () known for his playsA.the best B.more C.betterD.the most请详解