the teacher agrees you _______(stay)at home tomorrow为什么填will stay而不是to stay、不是说agree to do sth 么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 06:25:39
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the teacher agrees the student.这句话用什么介词 The teacher agrees that we do not do our homework.这个句子对吗?这里需要否定前置吗? the teacher agrees you _______(stay)at home tomorrow为什么填will stay而不是to stay、不是说agree to do sth 么 填介词; (1) Teacher agrees ( ) us.(2) I am going to ask a police ( )help. 英语翻译what can we do about this the worst thing is to do nothing .Laura Mills,a teacher from London,agrees.Problems and worries are normal in life, says Laura.But I think talking to someone helps a lot.if we do not talk to anynoe,we will cer 数学题中write a simpler function agrees with the given function at all but one point. I think that half the class_________with agreeB.agreeC.agreeingD.agrees The c______ here agrees with me,for it is neither hot or cold in a green school,everyone agrees to be careful to be about the environment如何翻译, seller agrees that buyer may return all of the products in a container the seller agrees that it is responsible for and shall defend the boy ()to grow up to be a fine young fellowA.promisesB.permitsC.allowsD.agrees the students()()()the teacher which of the following has the same meaning as the sentenceHe doesn't agree to every view if his?A:He agrees to none of his views.B:He agrees to all of his views.C:He agrees to any of his views.D:He agrees to some of his views. This contract is made by and between the Buyer and Seller. Hereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the S the buyer agrees to pay for the products upon presentment of a sight draft under a credit 请高手指教.1、到此为止(翻译) ( ) ( ) now!2、he agrees with the principles of the c________ committee. match the teacher's