Mr Wei asked me to tell him when my birthday is?对 tell him when my birthday is提问.( )did Mr Wei ask( )( )(

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:09:41
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Mr Wei asked me to tell him when my birthday is?对 tell him when my birthday is提问.( )did Mr Wei ask( )( )( 翻译Please allow me to introduce Mr wei .headmaster of our school -Mr. Jhonson asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon.Don't forget it.-OK,I( ).-Mr. Jhonson asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon.Don't forget it.-OK,I( ).A.won't B.don't C.will --Mr Gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon-- Mr Gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon.Don't you forget it!-- OK.I ____ .A.won'tB.don'tWhy?那为什么上面的人说Don't you forget it!可以这样的吗 刘老师问我发生了什么事.Mr Liu asked what _________ to me. 将Mr chang asked me,What do you want to do改为间接 引语句子 英语改句子10句1.mother said to me,“don t out at night.” 改为间接引语2.“do you often ride a bike to travel?”betty asked me. 改为间接引语3.“where does your aunt work?”asked mr brown. 改为间接引语4.the woman asked m 句型转换改错~急1 'Have you finished your homework?' the teacher asked me .(改为间接引语) The teacher asked me_____ I _____ _____ my homework.2 'Don't listen to music in class.'Mr Wang said to us..(改为间接引语)Mr Wang ____ us _ Mr spoon fell on the floor so I asked the waiting to bring another on to me (wait) -Mr.Gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon.Don't you forget it!-Ok,I___.A.won'tB.don'tC.willD.do为何选A怎么理解这种用法? 宾语从句改写.急1.Mr Chen says,“We are having a three-day vacation.” 2.Mr Chen told us,“I haven’t been to Tibet.” 3.I didn’t know.+ He is able to type without looking at the keyboard.4The clerk asked me,“Do you want to be a volunt 宾语从句改写:1.Mr Chen says,“We are having a three-day vacation.” 2.Mr Chen told us,“I haven’t been to Tibet.” 3.I didn’t know.+ He is able to type without looking at the keyboard.4The clerk asked me,“Do you want to be a volunte Mr Smith ---me to buy several --eggs for dinner.A.asked ,dozen B suggested,dozens of Chad,dozen D 将下列直接引语改为间接引语(在线等!1 the teacher said to the class,stop talking2 he asked me,do you come from china? 3i was born in 1966 in wuhan.said mr wang.4 my sister asked me,what is your friend? 5 don't come here late Did you finish the work as I asked you do my mother asked me (改为间接引语)A.My mother told me finish the work as she asked me to.B.My mother told me to finish the work as I was asked to.C.My mother asked me to finsh the work as she had asked t mr tomson asked me are you sure your mother will come here.同义句以 mr tomson asked me开头 帮忙翻译下这句话.I don't know why you asked me to ask me how to answer my doctor asked me to take the medicine tmy doctor asked me to take the medicine t a day ,in the,moring and evening