When Tom mentioned that story,he didn’t intend___Ann.A.hurtB.hurtingC.to hurtD.that hurt

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 16:34:21
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When Tom mentioned that story,he didn’t intend___Ann.A.hurtB.hurtingC.to hurtD.that hurt mentioned When _____is___ Tom _____leaving___?; tom didn't say anying when he left 同义句转换 tom didn't say angying when he left同义句转换 Tom's mother said that he was out when I visited him同义句Tom's mother said that he wasn't ____ ____ when I visited him 英语 单选 11.I am told that you have passed the exam and got first prize.Who __ so?A said B had said C says D has said12.I thought Tom would say something about his vacation plan ,but he ___it.A doesn’t mention B hadn’t mentioned C didn’t m tom什么t什么 If Tom is doing his homework when you come back,don’t disturb him,please.If Tom is doing 可以改为do吗 1;I don't know when ( )[leave] for shanghai.2:改为间接引语:Maria asked Tom Do you1;I don't know when ( )[leave] for shanghai.2:改为间接引语:Maria asked Tom Do you want a banana? When ------- this city,I want to 这句话mentioned 还是 mentioning逻辑主语是谁? Teacher:When Was Rome Built?Tom:At night.Teacher:Who told you that?Tom:You did .You said Rome wasn`t built in a day同意TOM的说法吗?Rome wasn`tbuilt.in a mentioned是什么意思 mentioned是什么意思 mentioned 翻译 be mentioned waiting in the weeds...it's comin'on ...the end of August...summers's pormise...almost gone...And though I heard sone wise man say...Than't every dog will hare his day...He never mentioned that...these dog day get so long...I don't know when I ream w 在家复习一些语法的错题还不太懂---I don't know why Denise started crying when I mentioned the wedding.---It______what you said about her brother.Or,perhaps she is just nervousA.should have been B.couldn't have been C.could have been D.m