请教这15道英语填空题1.With his(arrive)____at the town.Fred was invited to a party in his honor.2.He wants to get a better jjob and earn(much)____money.3.The greatest(deep)____at which the giant fish lives is not definitely known.4.I reached

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 12:37:18
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请教这15道英语填空题1.With his(arrive)____at the town.Fred was invited to a party in his honor.2.He wants to get a better jjob and earn(much)____money.3.The greatest(deep)____at which the giant fish lives is not definitely known.4.I reached 请教英语首字母填空 请教几道英语填空题,谢了1. Ed ______ (buy) a toy for his son when the whole building started to shake.2. On this point, I can’t agree with you ______ (much).3. While I was waiting there to have my hair cut, they gave me a magazine __ 一道初三英语填空题(两个小空)A:Hi,John!It's a long time _____ we met last.Where have you been?B:i have been to America.A:Did you have fun?B:Of corse.During the days,I stayed with an American family.They were _____ me.请在这两个 请教英语中常用的语气词.比如hi hmmmm之类的 英语短文填空.A:Hi,Bob.Wake up!You look ( Where did you go last Saturday?B:Hi,Mary.I ( ) to Hainan withHi,Bob.Wake up!You look ( Where did you go last Saturday?B:Hi,Mary.I ( ) to Hainan with my parents.A:How ) you trip?B:It was ( ) good.What ( ) 请教一下英语单项填空题1.We tried to stop him from going there,but he just( )listen.A.won't B.wouldn't C.might not Dmay not2.Oh,dear!What on earth( )this mean?A.could B.can C.may Dmight3.-With the help of my father,I finished my homework.-O 15道英语填空 这题英语填空, SAY HI YE 这英语什么意思? 请教几句英语口语,1.hi jack ,昨天(今天)过的怎么样?他一般会怎么回答我?我又该怎么答应他而显得有趣点呢?2.你要买点什么东西呢?3.can i make friends with u 这句话有错的地方么?4.don't say loving me.I 英语填空题.A:Good morning,Oak tree school .( ) I help you?B:good morning .( ) I ( ) to Jim,please?A:He's talking with the headmaster.( ) that ,please?B:( ) his friend Jack ( ),( ) I take a ( A:yes,of course,A:hello.B:Hi,Ben.( ) you call me this 求9题七年级上册英语填空、、题目如下1.My ___ ___ is Jones.My ___ ___ is Tom.Tom is a name for a____.2.Everyone needs a___ ID card when he goes abroad.3.I go theough my a___ book to find Mr Locke's cell phone number.4.Tom:Hi,May!May:Hi 高一英语几道填空题.1.G____ is spoken germany,austria,and parts of switzerland.2.Have a rest before you c______ with your reading. Hi,I______Helen.What______your name?填空 帮我搞定这3道英语题(按顺序填ABC,记得先写第几题)会做多少做多少1A.yes,I am.What are you doing? B.Hi are you English? C.We're playing with the dolls._____→_____→_____2A.Yes,it's hers. B.Is it Lily's bag? C.Whose bag is 英语对话填空A:Hello!May I _______ ________ Amy?B:Hi,Mike.This is Amy. Hi,Nice 【 】(meet) you.根据句意用括号内的英语的正确形式填空.