请大侠帮小弟改一下英语语法错误It can be observed in the picture that there is a hen with a pride face.There is also a phrase in its hand says that I promise the eggs which I have laid without corner and having skin,white and yolk.As is

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/12/02 16:41:34
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请大侠帮小弟改一下英语语法错误It can be observed in the picture that there is a hen with a pride face.There is also a phrase in its hand says that I promise the eggs which I have laid without corner and having skin,white and yolk.As is 手提式干粉灭火器的使用方法大侠,小弟要做个书面教案,请大侠帮小弟说明一下怎么用,要简单明了点 请各位大侠帮小弟翻译一下下面那句英语的意思,you are always the apple of my eye 数控车床和数控折弯机.请大侠帮小弟介绍一下.哪家公司产品最好.合理价格分别是多少. 请大侠帮小弟点评一下:“潦水尽而寒潭清,烟光凝而暮山紫.”和“披绣闼,俯雕甍.”这两句语句! 请帮我改一下这篇英语作文 请帮我看一下我写的英语作文有语法错误!谢谢! 请帮我看一下我写的英语作文有没有语法错误, 请帮我看一下我写的英语作文有没有语法错误, 请帮我看一下我写的英语作文有没有语法错误, 请帮我看一下我写的英语作文有没有语法错误, 请帮我看一下我写的英语作文有没有语法错误, 请英语好的朋友帮我改一下这句话的语法错误吧 非常感谢~~Students graduated from the college which prepared for their students future usually can get a decent job, therefore, it will improve the reputation of the college, and att 各位英语豪侠,请帮小弟一把! 高等数学——常微分方程问题请大侠帮小弟看一下 最好有比较详细的证明思路 任选一题 非常感谢! 请各位大侠帮小弟总结一下7年纪(初一)下的所有固定短语搭配 例如make sb do sth之类的全部的 重要的 请帮我看一下这篇文章有语法错误么 看下面 作文!小弟不才!请各位大侠帮我改一下作文.《三国演义》是四大名著之一,为罗贯中所编写.这本书已家喻户晓,但是我第一次拿着到这本书,看着里面的章节,被里面的情节、人物深深吸