
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 22:15:31
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Resources的意思是什么? Resources -- -1 --的意思 Out of system resources 的中文意思是什么 rotation.resources.census.各个单词的中文意思及音标是什么. sustainable energy resources的英文解释是什么 resources什么意思 经济学中opportunity cost的定义是什么?不是很明白它的意思!还有under-utilisation of resources是什么意思,定义又是什么?有谁能讲的通俗易懂点 Resources essentially maintaining constant share with continued replenishment of resources.意思是什么呢 谁能具体的帮解释下China Resources Snow Breweries的意思, 谁知道这句话的意思?Analysis of Sustainable Utilization of Yi River Water Resources Abundant natural resources in the island are to be exploited and used.的意思? Journal of Energy Resources Technology是什么杂志? the Department of Natural Resources是什么机构? Threshold resources什么意思!请说下Threshold resources什么意思 然后用中英文对照举个例子! 请教一下会计英语高手这段会计英语的中文意思是什么?首先谢谢Financial statements report accounting information about resources, earning prospects, expected cash collections, incurredexpenses, repayment ability, tax collection 帮我查一句话~People are overexploiting natural resources,which taxes the Earth's capacity to its limits.帮我查一下这句话的中文意思是什么,谢哒~ As is known to all,China is rich in natural resources.请帮忙翻译此句的汉语意思