在1小时内:in one hour/ within one hour的区分

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 00:04:41
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在1小时内:in one hour/ within one hour的区分 8.One kilowatt-hour(1 k Wh) is equal to one kilowatt (i.e,1000 W) of power acting for one hour.Recall that there are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. in one's hour eight times in one hour in an hour“ 一个小时后” 什么时候翻译为“一个小时内”呢? 你帮我在一个小时内完成了工作,你真好.It is __ __ you __ __ me finish the work in an hour. in one hour表示什么时态 John will arrive in Bejing in one hour.对in one hour 划线提问 0.8hour 1hour 1.5hour one and half hour 哪些要加0.8hour 1hour 1.5hour one and half hour 哪些要加s 英语语法:到底in+时间段 是指在这个期间内还是在这段期间之后?I will be right back in one hour.晕死 大家说法各有各版本啊 持续一个小时是last one hour还是last for one hour,还是两个都行 one day he p_____ to make it in one hour. the sunlight that shines on the earth in just one hour could meet world energy demand for an entire year. 4564 什么意思?我这么解释这句话对吗:1—sunlight:阳光 2—shine:动词,照耀. shine on :照耀在...上.3—could meet w my sister plays the piano for one hour in the evening对for one hour 提问 “一个220V电压带一个25W的灯泡”和“一个12V电压带45W的灯泡”请问在1小时内哪个耗电更多? one hour later和after one hour在使用时有没有时态上的区分? I often spend one hour ___my homework in the evening Can you finish _________ the magazine in one hour?