这个问句请高手来分析.How many friends you have 还是应该说:How many friends do you have?要不要加do呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 07:30:37
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这个问句请高手来分析.How many friends you have 还是应该说:How many friends do you have?要不要加do呢? 请高手来分析一下电动机控制问题,分析这个电路图所要表达的意思, 一个英语句子结构的分析---高手进Hey!How are you guys doing?请分析这个句子的结构, How many的问句一定是用There is(are)来回答的吗? 一个长句的句子结构分析,请高手赐教!Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986,how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty first century.我对这个句子始终分析不得要领,苦恼ing... How many books are there in your schoolbag为什么不能写成How many books are i请仔细分析,为什么不能写成How many books are in schoolbag? 请高手分析一下这个LED电路的工作原理 many people,most of them experts from america attended the conference 请高手分析一下句型 解释下面的两个问句How many colours are there?How many stars are there? 用who,what,when,where,how old,how many,how often分别造反问句 这个运放电路怎么分析?请高手们帮忙看看,这是什么电路,怎么分析? How many hours do you sleep a night 请再用英文来回答 how many strings were broken?为什么这个问句形式不能是how many were strings broken?问句一般形式是之一 疑问词+名词/疑问词 + be动词 + 主语+其它?可上述句子为什么就不能改成how many were strings broken?这种 请改成 how many 疑问句There are 300 days left before the 29th olympic games starts .改成how many 开头的疑问句,主要是不确定 改成问句后,后置定语 left 放在哪个位置? How many candidates is the Liberty Party running in the General Election? 句中的running 如何翻译How many candidates is the Liberty Party running in the General Election?请问句中的running 什么意思? 高手分析一下这个句子的结构请帮我分下一下这个句子的结构,哪个是主语哪个是表语等等~.No one really knows how the ancient egyptians build the pyramids. 用英语怎么问衣服尺寸大小我问的是对“size” 的问法,如“what size...”,还是“how much(many)...size”,请写出整个问句! 请从英语语法的角度分析一下这个句子,Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986,how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century.