уóu aré my bêst íávé χí

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 14:13:50
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уóu aré my bêst íávé χí YoU arê my bêàSt 1ove,Dear 'Yōu.Arē my Only 1ōvē' Read and try to write例 ar p(ar)k st(ar) c(ar) h(ar)d() fl() cr() b()e m() u ar nothing u ar nothing 越文翻译中文N?u em là anh Giá có m?t phép m?u nh? Bi?n em thành anh, anh thành em. ? anh hi?u em nhi?u h?n n?a. N?u em là anh, em s? c?m tay gi?i thi?u anh v?i m?i ng?i: Ng?i yêu c?a t?i ?y!. B?i em bi?t anh s? r?t h?nh phúc 求教英语若干题,QAQ辩音1.r{ea}d br{ea}d ( )2.st{u}dent b{ui}lding ( )3.m{a}ny f{a}mily ( )4.thr{ee} {ea}t ( )5.sch{oo}l r{oo}m ( )6.h{ea}vy b{e}droom ( )7.m{u}ch m{o}nth ( )8.g{ar}den w{ar}m ( )9.b{ea}ch s{ea}son ( )10.kn{o}w g{o}lden ( ) 一、判断括号部分的读音是否相同 1、pl(a)ne t(a)ke (a)sk m(a)ke 2、exc(u)se b(u)s m(u)st h(u)ngry3、w(e)st g(e)t v(e)ry s(e)ven4、sou(th) (th)is (th)ink (th)ree (U+V)a=(U-V)b怎么化简出V/U=a-b/a+b you ar my best 下列每组单词的读音是否相同( )A.b[i]ke B.sh[i]p C.p[i]g D.d[i]sh( )A.pl[a]ne B.t[a]ke C.[a]sk D.m[a]ke( )A.exc[u]se B.b[u]s C.m[u]st D.h[u]ngry( )A.w[e]st B.g[e]t C.v[e]ry D.s[e]ven( )A.s aRe U Red ,my BabY.m1sS y0u ..My dèAr ..muMa 1共2句 对 翻译成中文 f( )nt( )st( )cA.i,i,i B.u,a,e C.a,a,i D.u,a,u 选出括号内读音不同的单词 1、A、ph(o)to B、ph(o)ne C、l(o)ng 2、A、b(u)s B、m(u)sic C、st(u)dent3、A、p(e)ncil B、Chin(e)se C、v(e)getable快!迅速!三根鸡毛!十万火急!我要做作业的! the waves of tory歌词大意以下是歌词,The Waves Of Tory Ar Thoraigh na dtonn táim ag triall anonn Thar farraige thorannach gharbh rí-dhoimhin Tá na faoileáin ag glaoch,Fáilte romhatsa ar ais Agus léimeann an bád le teann áthais fúm 单词辨音 A m(u)seum B st(u)dent C men(u) D (u)sually 括号里的u哪个发音不同 单词辨音 A m(u)seum B st(u)dent C men(u) D (u)sually 括号里的u哪个发音不同 用matlab产生AR模型(其中u(n)为高斯分布)v(n)=1.5804v(n-1)-0.1587v(n-2)-0.3109v(n-3)-0.0510v(n-4)+u(n)