英语翻译例子:own的英语解释是have some thing that is yours.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 18:21:39
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英语翻译例子:own的英语解释是have some thing that is yours. They all have their own p_____.英语翻译 请用英语解释下列各词:allowance / grocery store / own / slept in / week nights对不起,我的要求是用英语解释. their own 与 themselves 的区别.详细一点儿,要有例子.eg:Some people have pools of their own in their yards .(为什么不用“thenselves”?因为有of?) 英语翻译标题是 Do you think you will have your own robot? delexical verb的英语解释,举个例子? 英语翻译I also have my own lifestyle.可以去掉吗 Jane doesn’t drive yet, but she wants____. A)the own car B)an own car C)the car of her own D)a carof her own 的选项是(),谢谢!最好有解释. 以下两个英语句子,哪个是对的?1.Many people have received training and decided to launch their own enterprise.2.Many people have reveived training and have decided to launch their own enterprise.这是个并列句.就是在and后边,哪种 求解释一句英文extending a 5-year trend in which companies have lagged in promoting and mentoring of women to their own detriment,这个句子为什么要用in which 还有their 指的是哪个? It is important that you have your own support team的简单句是? have和own的区别有什么?many more people now_____(have/own) their own homes.为什么? my now room own I have英语连词 英语解释是PROPERTY的英语单词TO HAVE AS ONE‘S BELONGINGS的英语单词是什么 英语翻译原句:Elsewhere,you might have to hammer courses together on your own.这里面的Elsewhere 迷惑中. 英语翻译例子:他喜欢一个歌手,我同样也很喜欢.语文中可以解释为“我们有共同的口味”(虽然我觉得怪怪的),那么英语要怎么说才能表示这种意思呢?We have the same hobby?喜欢一个歌手又不 英语翻译中译英:他们建立起自己的理论They have build up their own theories.They have set up their own theories.在此题中,是只能用build 还是build和set可以换用?在表达‘建立理论’时,build up和set up有什么区 求一些因为不懂意思而只按表面解释(可以是俚语)而误解的英语例子