完形填空及看中文写单词,The students must( )(遵守)their school rules.Now we should( )(意识到)the importance of saving the water.the( )(无辜的)people are free at lastmy size is( )(中号的).what about yours?about 70%of the earth

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 00:31:53
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看音标写单词及中文意思 看音标写单词及中文意思 完形填空及看中文写单词,The students must( )(遵守)their school rules.Now we should( )(意识到)the importance of saving the water.the( )(无辜的)people are free at lastmy size is( )(中号的).what about yours?about 70%of the earth 单词记不住中文看着中文可以写英文 看着英文 写不出中文 英语根据句意 首字母及中文提示写单词 英语根据句意及中文提示写单词 stud 初一英语填空题和看音标写单词! bu_ld_ng 把这个单词拼写出来,也就是单词填空写中文意思 高一英语填空1填写单词1、At the party the naughty boy _ his father's intonation,which made all the guests laugh.2、It's a good way to know what is happening in the world by reading the h_(h开头的单词)3、Having realized I was stud 一篇初三完形填空六、根据首字字母母提示完成短文Dear Mr Chairperson,I would like to offer you my congratulations on the wonderful job you are doing as the new chairperson of our Students’ Union.You have (1) c__________ the stud 英语 用所给单词、短语的适当形式填空,补全句子单词、短语:stand、around、in glasses、on the left ight、one of the best、in the world、nxt to、be friendly、be friendly、complete、information补全句子:1.The stud 根据中文写单词 根据中文写单词 根据中文写单词 写单词和中文 根据中文写单词, 完形填空,回答给100分Make sure your child gets a good night's sleep-about 9 to 10 hours.Give plenty of time in the morning to a healthy b _1_.Students need to eat good food to g_2_.Check with the teacher if there are any homework clubs or stud