
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 05:45:21
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答案居然选A呢 我选cd,答案居然不是. the teacher told me the school __on the following morningA would be openedB should be openedC openedD was opened选哪个呢 为什么呀 可是书上答案居然是C 选D是吧,答案居然是B,我是对的.5555 I like the music ____ I can dance to.A.that B.which C.what D.and这道题遇到过两次 结果答案居然不一样 有点懵了 有选A的 还有选C的 个人认为是A spend The chief executive officer was unwilling to spend his time on _____ a detailed advertisement presentation.A.preparationB.preparedC.preparingD.to prepare答案居然选C,但是不是spend in doing sth,和spend on Little Jim should love ___ to the theatre this evening.答案居然选C 但我觉得选ALittle Jim should love ___ to the theatre this evening.A.to be taken B.to takeC.being takenD.taking 为什么A答案不对呢 答案居然是C,想不通,The exam has finally been canceled,_makes students sorf of relaxed.A.it B.which C.this D.what我选B的 33个答案选a,34个怎么翻译呢? -How did you find the movie last night?-_____,it's both interesting and instructive.A I findB In my opinion答案居然是A太迷茫了 请问什么叫做顿服?居然有两种答案? 一道题居然四种答案?真难? 与动物细胞比较,细菌特有的一种重要结构是.A核糖体 B线粒体 C高尔基体 D细胞膜 E细胞壁答案居然是核糖体,为什么?谢谢 蛇居然怕猫?如果有毒的蛇呢? 这道题到底选A还是B啊,为什么.小明屌爆了,(____)没来上课.A.居然B.所以 of all the books on the desk,__is of any use for our studyA.nothing B.no one C.neither D.none我一开始选的是B,但答案居然是D,none不是表示‘三个或者三个以上的人或事物都不.’ 是都啊,怎么能接 is 呢 Look at these clouds.________. a.it'll rain b.it's going to rain c.it rains d.it is raining我是选B的,因为be going to将来时,但是老师的答案居然是A.为什么要选A? A.B.C.都表将来,但它们有什么区别?谢谢您的回答.!