Big Jim told him how to do it in the water改错

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 07:58:09
Big Jim told him how to do it in the water改错 Jim's father told him not to play computer games for a long time.(保持原局意思)Jim's father told him that ____ ____ play computer games for a long time When I told him about my father he asked how we got along 翻译 How pleased the teacher was__what his student told him.A,hearingB,to hearC,heard She told me how remarkable Jim has been in complaining so rarely despite his constant pain 请翻译 jim's father said to him,I hope you ____whatI_____you to buy.A.didn't forget;told B.not to forget;have told C.won't forget;have told D.haven't forgotten;will tell 这句话中的Big Jim后面为什么有个逗号?After a while I recognized him as Big Jim,who used to sit behind me in math class in high school. The workmen told him to do___``` it pleased him he he pleased D.that pleased him应选哪个 为什么?其他怎么不对? Nobody told him()(何时出发) 短文改错:Mrs Green worked in a big shop.One morning短文改错:Mrs Green worked in a big shop.One morning,a little boy walk up to her with big,sad eyes and told her he was losing.Mrs Green took his hand,held him in her arm and told him no to 英语翻译At last,a woman with a plate full of food sat down in front of him and told him how a cafeteria worked. how is big it how big you Did I tip him big 愤怒的死亡兔子 44关 太空那关怎么过,提示:show him how lonely he is ,let him see the big picture, 英语翻译Jim visited him in prison,and George thanked him warmly and asked him how he had managed to persuade the other members of the jury to recommend mercy. I asked him ( ) we had to go.He told me just two more much longer much long far 选出正确答案,并说明分析. 英语翻译The burning sun was beating down fiercely on Dakota Jim.He shaded his eyes with his hand and looked out across the desert.The friendly guide he had met the day before had told Jim to meet him here at 7:00.He was going to lead Jim across t