this is a widely accepted idea这里的wide为什么用它的副词而不是形容词呢?还有accept怎么后面加ed的,表示啥?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 01:17:27
xS]n@9@kP$8Ҋ7& I -VI0(%a^? :ZRHf\,%DȫxTMId}]M(k܃s+ԜҙF'%X~B*I`FtS 6g+!5X.MˆǍ7x\u}/E_ev{[axYƖx
This is a topic that is being widely talked about什么意思 This Habit Is Not Practiced Only On Special Occasions,But It Is Widely Accepted As Social Duty A...This Habit Is Not Practiced Only On Special Occasions,But It Is Widely Accepted As Social Duty And Responsibility Engilsh____for business.A.use widely B.used widely used wide widely usedEngilsh____for business.A.use widely B.used widely used wide widely used The stories about this secret person,_______ this is one example,are widely spread among people.A.about which B.of which C.which D.from which the stories about this VIP,( )this is one example ,are widely spread among people.A.about which B.of which C.which D.from which The stories about this secret person,_______ this is one example,are widely spread among people.A.of which B.of them C.with which D.with them this is a widely accepted idea这里的wide为什么用它的副词而不是形容词呢?还有accept怎么后面加ed的,表示啥? it is widely acknowledged English is a useful language It is spoken widely in the world这里的widely是强调还是修饰? A __ achievement of electronics is the electronic computer.该选哪个呀A:widely knownA:widely known B:having widely known ACC 英语高手请进,A ___ achievement of electronics is the electronic computer.A.widely knowing B.being widely knownC.widely known D.having widely known选哪个?谢谢为什么 哥们解释下啊 This company's performance exemplifies a widely held belief. 是什么意思啊!是高级商务英语的 It is widely shared that... it is widely shared that English is widely used中widely为什么不能改成形容词? 英语翻译Exotic materials are not required for NH3-water maixtures but copper alloys must be avoided and,although not familiar to alumina production operations,this is a very widely used chemical system with commercial applications ranging from re ( )?is a most widely used language. A.The English B.The English language