But today,I cannot leave you,no matter you do love me

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 15:08:21
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But today,I cannot leave you,no matter you do love me I promise I forgive him,but I cannot forget him! I love you,but I cannot love you.就是问问I love you,but I cannot love you. l am only one,but still l am one.l cannot do everything,but still l can do something. I cannot help but to do sthI cannot help but do sth哪个正确或者都正确?I cannot help but letting him go.正确否? I can accept failure,but absolutely cannot accept never struggle. I cannot but admire your hypocritical什么意思 I cannot but admire his courage.为什么不是I cannot but to admire his courage.为什么不用to? cannot but ,cannot choose but ,cannot help but的意思 HELP~I cannot write Chinese on my computer!I don't know why.Maybe there is something wrong with my computer.There is no use hitting 'Ctrl'+'Shift'.Serveral days ago,I can still write Chinese,but today I cannot write Chinese on computer forever!Oh,my Any permission issue on this thread?I posted one topic yesterday, I cannot edit it today. I ___ tell her the truth.A.cannot help B.cannot but C.may not help D.could but 1.I always cannot help ______ people in trouble a hand.But I am so busy today that I cannot help ______ the work with you.2.It was ______ was advertised on TV _____ made many customers buy the watch ______ was not so perfects as the ad said.最好能 I _________the truth of your remarks,though they go against my point of viewa: cannot help but admitB:cannot help but admittingc: cannot but admittingd: cannot but admit不懂就远点!浪费大家时间,我这么说也是迫不得已,每次都有不 cannot but +动词原形 today i am really busy ,but i'm f___ tomorrow Today I am here ,but tomorrow ,where am I feature I THINK.THEY CANNOT FINISH THE WORK TODAY .(合并为一句