when they broke open the packing cases,这里的open是什么词性,和谓语动词broke的关系是什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 09:58:37
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when they broke open the packing cases,这里的open是什么词性,和谓语动词broke的关系是什么? imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases.这句话imagine为社么不用过 imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases.这句话imagine为社么不用过去时啊, they broke the mold when they made that man. They broke the mold when they made that man中broke the mold They had not travelled far when their car broke down. 仿照例句,用动名词短语改写下列句子Model 1:When they broke open the boxes of tea,they threw the tea leaves into the sea.Aafter breaking open the boxes of tea,they therw the tea leaves into the sea.1.When the Bostonians threw away all th Imagine their surprise and.Imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey--still in perfect condition.请问不是动词不能做主语么这个imagine怎么回事 找一下主语在哪里imagine their suprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey.imagine不是动词吗,怎么直接放句首了? 英语中lay的变型问题when the police broke open the door,they found him____on the floor unconsciousA.layB.lainC.lyingD.layed讲一下选什么,和有什么区别好吗?教教我如何辨析, 如下 when引导的什么从句that呢Imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey -- still in perfect condition. when引导的什么从句that呢 关于非谓语动词语法问题the programme was so exciting that the children kept their eyes(fixed ) on the television screen.和 when they broke open the door,they found the child(lying)on the floor unconcious.这二句为什么会用不同的, When the police broke open the door,they found him on the floor unconscious.A.lay B.lain C.lying D.layed答案是C.这题是考主动和被动关系吗?为什么选C.还有unconscious可以放到on the floor前面吗?谢谢! Imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey--still in perfect condition.请帮忙分析一下句子的结构(Imagine their surprise and delight主句,祈使句) imagine their wurprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found thatthe fourth engine was sweet as honey----still in perfect condition 请问inmagine不是动词吗,如果是动词,不是应该用动名词开头吗,及imagining, 66页95.Who -----the window------------?A.break ,open B.broke ,is open C.open ,broken D.broke ,open 为什么 When we broke up When we broke up We don't know _______ they broke the glasses for.A.why B.what C.when D.where