he had a meal of chicken 为什么用of

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 15:24:19
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he had a meal of chicken 为什么用of Have had a meal make a meal of a meal of 第六句:After a large meal of crab meat,Stoker dreamed that he was being attacked by an enormous cAfter a large meal of crab meat,Stoker dreamed that he was being attacked by an enormous crab,and this,combined with the stories he had already hear 第六句:After a large meal of crab meat,.After a large meal of crab meat,Stoker dreamed that he was being attacked by an enormous crab,and this,combined with the stories he had already heard about vampires,became the basis for the story of Dracul a meal of的意思 he asked me for a meal and a glass of beer划分句子成分 新概念英语2中的一句话.He asked me if I had a good meal.为什么要用IF呢,‘Have you had a good meal?' he asked这种说法可不可以? 英语翻译2.The scene of having a meal without paying money Soapy didn’t give up.He entered a restaurant of no great pretensions,and wanted something to eat and he didn’t have money.He quickly had an idea.“At a table he sat and consumed beefs 改错 they had a meal ,they went out of a waik and then came back to sleep 急 英语翻译One day,Mr Black went into a restaurant.He put his coat on a chair near the door.There was nothing in the pockets of his coat.After he had his meal,he went to take his coat back.He found there was much money in one of his pockets.“ Whos for a meal是什么意思He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer.是什么意思?那位好心人帮帮忙,祝他万事如意、长命百岁、财源广进! Our family had a ___ (taste) meal at a big restaurant yesterday eveningThe boy is funny and sometimes he hide___(he) behind the door to frighten his friends he didn'thave any money for the meal(同义句转换) he had ___ money to ___ the meal. Enjoy a meal of good是什么意思 I had a really nice meal ,It was delicious. i had a big meal.everything___(taste) delicious