《Haw to learn english well》帮我写一篇80字的英语作文

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 14:35:45
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《Haw to learn english well》帮我写一篇80字的英语作文 Do you know how important it is to learn English(同义句) Do you know _______________________ Englis Haw are you go to school 改错 haw to become an inventor作文 Father and mother,I love you有关的英语文章或者是Haw I fianf a good way to learn English还可以是:Every needs a friend总之至少300词谢谢!最好是简单的阿里嘎都! 英语翻译1、Some of these students learn at school,others study by themselves2、Most people must work hard to learn another language.3、Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects.4、Many adults learn Englis Haw do we go to there 怎么改错啊 My Englis teacher often comes to school by bus的同义句My Englis teacher often comes to school( ) ( ) 关于It is +adj+to do sth的问题I don't think _____ necessary to tell you about it.A.this B.that C.him D.it2`用括号内所给中文的适当形式填空I think it ______ (必要的)to learn English well.能不能说It necessary to learn Englis haw-haw ,all all are that i certainly do acracholia ,that you had not been fond of me always all ,are to be disgusted with our ,haw-haw in the fi learn to learn from learn to 一.回答已给出,请根据回答来提问.You go to work at eight.It's April 27th.I am talking about the film.I go in for basketball.I have caught a bad cough.My uncle will take bus No.5.I am writing with my old pen.My sister began to learn Englis haw about have a rest 还是how about to have a rest哪个对原因是什么 haw far is it from our school to ____seaside?it is___eight-kilometre's walk from here 八年级英语连词成句连词成句.将下列单词组成完整的句子,注意字母的大小写和标点符号.1.was ,street ,elephants ,see ,fun ,down ,so ,the ,marching ,many ,to ,it2.your ,it ,grammar ,learn ,by ,knowledge ,helps ,of ,Englis Live to learn,not learn to live what to do 和haw to do 的区别(最好能详细说明,我的英语基础不太好)