将下面句子变成否定句最好可以说下该怎么做?以后我自己也会做了1.His card is on the table.2.These are my parents.3.Bob and Tony are our friends.4.These things are five dollars.5.The girl is his sister.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 13:47:16
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将下面句子变成否定句最好可以说下该怎么做?以后我自己也会做了1.His card is on the table.2.These are my parents.3.Bob and Tony are our friends.4.These things are five dollars.5.The girl is his sister. 将下面的句子变成否定句最好能说下该怎么做1.I need a bag for sport.2.He wants to go to a movie.3.She often goes to see Beijing Opear.4.The girl has an egg for breakfast.5.We play basktball every day.6.My teacher knows my name.7.It s 把下列句子变成一般疑问句(并做肯定和否定回答)、否定句 将这个句子分别变成一般疑问句特殊疑问句和否定句 这句英语句子怎么改i eat breakfast ai7:00(变成否定句) 将下列句子分别转换为否定句,一般疑问句并做肯定句和否定句回答. 英语中如何将肯定句变成否定句?肯定句变成疑问句?最好简单些说,最好举一些例子,不要抄的! 将下面句子改成双重否定句我的劳动没有白费,我感到很幸福. 将下面的句子改为双重否定句.这个故事使我感动的流泪. 将下面的句子改为双重否定句.这不是伟大的奇观吗? 将下面的句子改为否定句Let's play football in front of our classroom We need some peneils.怎么变成否定句?最好是这个格式 We needn't( )pencils. let't go .怎么变成否定句 把下面句子改为否定句:这样做下去一定会失败. 一个英语句子的否定句怎么改?比如说我满足了可以这么说I satisfy 否定句怎么改是否可以说I don't satisfy?在帮我举几个改否定句的例子. My family often have milk for breakfast 变成否定句请简体解释下怎么变, 将下面的句子变成否定句和一般疑问句.简单的回答.1.They were in the library a moment ago.____________________2.John went to the cinema last Sunday.____________________3.He came to school at seven this morning.____________________4. 否定句怎么该肯定句