英语句型转换,(没空一词)请各位帮帮忙咯1.The place is famous for "Tianya Haijiao."(就画线部分提问)画线:[Tianya Haijiao]_____ ______ the place_____ _______?2.She says that she has left a message on his desk.(改为一般

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 05:08:53
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英语句型转换,(没空一词)请各位帮帮忙咯1.The place is famous for Tianya Haijiao.(就画线部分提问)画线:[Tianya Haijiao]_____ ______ the place_____ _______?2.She says that she has left a message on his desk.(改为一般 看图补全对话,没空一词.(英语) 句型转换,没空一词He has to (study for the math test) at home today.(就括号部分提问)____ ____he_____ _____ _____at home today? 英语同义句转换:How will the weather be tomorrow?=( )( )the weather be( ) tomorrow?(没空一词)英语翻译:去年暑假我首次乘飞机去上海I went to Shanghai by plane ( )( ) ( )( )last summer holiday(没空一词) 7年级上册20道英语句型转换题,很急,各位帮帮忙,谢谢 英语:句型转换,没空一词.写上原因咯~1.The news surprised us all.(改为同义句)We are all_____ _____the news.2.He is not old enough to go to school.(改为同义句)He is_____ _____ _____go to school.3.My father borrowed some money f 英语翻译句式转换:(没空一词,且上下文意思不变)各位老师请帮我解答下.1.Can you remember any mistakes that you made in your last exercises?1.Can you rememaber ( ) ( ) ( ) in your last exercises?2.I perfer to go fishing 高一英语句型转换练习题难度越高越好.有高二的再好不过了.请各位大虾们帮忙查一查.一定要有答案的, 英语 句型转换 “一.就.”(介词短语、连词词组) 谁有答英语句型转换的好方法(高一), 英语,题.(句型转换) 英语句型转换,请快速解答, 英语句型转换,请快速解答,.. 英语句型转换,请快速回答, 高一一道英语句型转换 英语题大家看看帮帮忙,只做句型转换!谢谢 根据汉语句子完成英语句子,没空一词 同义句转换,没空一词 Bob is eleven years old.Bob is ( ) ( ) boy.