英语翻译①her success got her into the record books for the biggest fish ever caught by a girl aged between 11 and 16 .②“l was very excited when l fished the fight and pulled the fish out of the water ," jenna said ."it was a diffcult fish t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 23:49:16
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英语翻译①her success got her into the record books for the biggest fish ever caught by a girl aged between 11 and 16 .②“l was very excited when l fished the fight and pulled the fish out of the water , jenna said .it was a diffcult fish t 英语翻译Elizabeth has already achieved success beyond her wildest dreams. 英语翻译1,Her success gave others hope and courage.2,but then she got a strange sickness which broght her silence and darkness.3,She tried to teach Helen to live like other people.She taught her how to use her hands as a way of speaking.4,All of 英语翻译An individual's success in propagating his or her genes can be affected by more than just his or her own personal reproductive success her mom failuie is success got a big success这个短语对吗? She can be sent to Oxford University__ she got great success in her study.A.becauseB.because ofC.because forD.as for she got her Has she got her 英语翻译Is this the reason that she explained in the report for her success in the job? 英语翻译yes thats good dont give up to got her backand at the last im not her She Got Her Own 歌词 in the end,our team got the first prize__(success) 英语翻译Her fashion collections House of Dereon and Dereon,named in honor of the singer's grandmother,Agnez ereon,are a success. 英语翻译She was glad that her success would ( )for the women who would follow.A.make things easierB.make it easierC.be easierD.be easier to make SUCCESS 英语翻译I should help her chop wood for the fire and cook the food she got at the market. Her success encouraged her to contiune her experiments帮忙翻译下,