哪位高人给看看这篇托福作文能得几分(1~5),谢谢了!It’s better to make wrong decision than make no decision at all. Do you agree or disagree with the statement. Give reasons or specific examples to illustrate your answer.In my opini

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 15:58:28
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哪位高人给看看这篇托福作文能得几分(1~5),谢谢了!It’s better to make wrong decision than make no decision at all. Do you agree or disagree with the statement. Give reasons or specific examples to illustrate your answer.In my opini 请问大侠 我这托福作文能得几分啊?忘传了 不好意思~再来一遍~ 大侠帮忙看看这篇托福作文能得几分A recent research on Chinese campus shows that more than sixty percent of Chinese university students do part-time jobs when they are free.Some educators may argue that part-time jobs distract students 哪位高人给我提供1篇作文《难忘的除夕夜》500字左右 谁有托福tpo口语作文比较标准的答案能给我看看,自己练得不知道怎么样,希望能借鉴一下 哪位大神能帮我看看这篇托福作文看能给多少分As for a student, grades played significant roles in my school time.it seems that people always have a desire to compare. So there is no doubt that grades are what people are competing.I 托福听力阅读都错13个能得几分 请问这篇作文能打几分 英语四级作文跑题能得几分 六级作文的要点 以及和雅思作文的异同哪位能给我说说六级作文应该怎么写才能得高分啊 一直准备雅思,雅思作文倒是挺了解的 六级作文一点都不了解 哪位高人能给我说说六级作文的精髓 大家帮我评价一下这篇作文几分60分的作文可以得几分 请高手进来 帮我看下我的新托福作文能得几分我马上就要考了 能帮我看看怎么在短期内提高吗 谢谢 感激不尽 急议论文 题目是 有些情况下 谎言是否能被接受There is a severe debate on lying .I thin 啊啊啊啊…哪位高人给篇关于青春的作文 跪求批改!写了一篇雅思作文,各位大神帮忙看看能得个几分,要是能给些建议就更感激了~!这是题目:Some people say that the gap between the poor and rich is becoming wider. What causes lead to this situation and what m 小弟一片托福作文如下,水平有限 还有就是看看这样的作文能给几分?感激不尽4 It has been said,Not everything that is learned is contained in books. Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gain 本人考托福 今天写了一篇作文 大神看看能得几分,哪里可以改进的?Many teachers assign homework to students every day.Do you think daily homework is necessary for students?Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. 本人考托福 今天写了一篇作文 大神看看能得几分,哪里可以改进的?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement with the help of technology,students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly.Use speif 这个看看能打几分?