请帮忙检查下是否有语法错误,并更正,Now I go on re-test these failure module,because we need sort the failure with wire open or short.我正在重测这些失效模块,我们需要区分他们是开路或短路.I estimate these re-test

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 23:20:53
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请帮忙检查下是否有语法错误,并更正,Now I go on re-test these failure module,because we need sort the failure with wire open or short.我正在重测这些失效模块,我们需要区分他们是开路或短路.I estimate these re-test 帮忙检查下有无语法错误 Are you scare No!Even not a little!请帮忙翻译这几句话,并指出有没有语法错误? 请辨析句子 May happiness follow you everywhere ...just like we do.请先检查是否有语法错误,并翻译句子. 请帮忙看下我这句句子有语法错误吗?有请更正..I think that I'm fit for the job,which is on the China Daily that you need a secretary. 翻译语法检查请帮忙检查下这句话翻译的对吗?有语法错误吗?We will remove this case from our payment monitoring system and no more reminders will be sent to you.想表达的意思是:我们将将此案从我们的费用监控 请高手帮忙看看是否存在语法错误 请判断我的句子是否正确,有无语法错误.Any schools without rules will manage students with difficuity.任何一个学校没有规矩是难以管好学生的.如果有语法错误,请指出;并帮我更正,意思就是上面这句话. 帮忙检查是否有语法错误I have to make a choice whether tell a lie ,I will consider the situation. 请帮忙修改下语法错误Please advice. do u have a streamer ticket to stay a place of safety or sanctuary on 2012.帮忙看下是否有语法错误,并修正 请问朗读该句英文如何断句,并检查下是否存在语法错误:This is just the day to remember and promote a woman’s importance in their role to form society.请用“/ ”这个符号来划分句子 这句话对吗?Please don't touch me,but only you.Please don't touch me,but only you.会有语法错误吗?如果有语法错误请帮忙更正好吗?请别碰我,不过你除外. 帮查以下英文是否有 语法错误 或标点错误 或大小写错误Sweet chocolate,sweet heart.Dove dog food,for sen(对方的名字).Mary Christmas,….圣诞礼物卡片准备写请帮忙检查下第二句是开玩笑的,,说德芙是 帮忙检查下,如有错说出来并写出正确的有好评 Despite he is rich,he is not happy.这句话有语法错误吗?如果有,请更正. 帮忙检查下有没有错误! 20条哈佛校训是否有语法错误,有的话请帮忙指出.还有能否在高中英语作文中使用