……,phone calls go unanswered,TV shows unwatched,and snacks ignored.snack后怎么没动词?前面都有go,show.为什么后面的snack后面没有动词?还有ignored在这里是动词的词性还是形容词的词性?如果是动词那它是个

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 09:26:18
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phone calls go unanswered.中的go是不及物动词,后面为什么没有介词? phone calls go unanswered.这句话中的go是什么词性?go是什么词性?为什么要这样用啊? phone calls go unanswered.这句话中的go是什么词性?如果是动词那岂不是有两个动词了?phone calls go unanswered.这句话中的go是什么词性?如果是动词那岂不是有两个动词了? ……,phone calls go unanswered,TV shows unwatched,and snacks ignored.snack后怎么没动词?前面都有go,show.为什么后面的snack后面没有动词?还有ignored在这里是动词的词性还是形容词的词性?如果是动词那它是个 make phone calls to怎样造句? make a phone 与 make phone calls的区别 make phone calls和make phonecall to的区别 make phone calls与ring up的区别 Besides making phone calls为什么用making不用make My aunt likes talking ____ the phone.She ____ her friends every day.A.on,calls B.for,calls on C.in ,calls on D.for,calls up calls 设数列un由下式定义u1=2,un+1=un(un^2+3)/(3un^2+1)(n=1,2……)试证数列un收敛 若存在常数M>0,对任意的n∈N',恒有|un+1-un|+|un-un-1|+…+|u2-u1|≤M,则称数列{un}为B-数列那如果|un+1-un|+|un-un-1|+…+|u2-u1|<M,这个数列是B-数列吗? 1.How does Graham feel before he calls Linda?2.How many people answered Graham’s phone?Linda is talking with her friend,Graham,on the phone.Graham is sad because he does not know what to do.Well,you,can go and draw some pictures,Linda says.Graham make phone calls to sb.和make a phone call to sb.这两者有什么区别 翻译:他很少在上学的路上带电话.(make phone calls to) 英语语法问提,We can send emails and make phone calls为什么call后加s. She sometimes makes phone calls to his friend to ask for help.(同义句)