appreciation 英语翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 19:58:58
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appreciation 英语翻译 appreciation. appreciation appreciation of Diversity appreciation 英语翻译In appreciation toYour contribution of the lst.Seminar of Disposition & Securitization of Non-performning Loans in China appreciation of currency是什么意思 real appreciation是什么意思? stock appreciation是什么意思 accelerated appreciation什么意思 Literary appreciation 翻译成中文, appreciation是什么意思啊?如何背? 英语翻译This is especially true in agriculture,where sustainable development is often taken as the sole measure of progress without a proper appreciation of historical and cultural perspectives. 英语翻译请求翻译with the understanding and appreciation of other cultures,they will build up bridges and develop good communication between China and the world. 英语翻译公司举办一个答谢员工的茶点让员工品尝,英文是 staff appreciation,请问如何用简练的语言译成地道的汉语呢? 英语翻译这个可以用于感谢对方采纳了你的意见之类的吗?还是说要用thank you for your appreciation?我被搞糊涂了..consideration是考虑的意思吧,appreciation是感激的意思吧..我想表达谢谢您对我的赏识 英语翻译Chances of surviving an adverse environment always show appreciation for those who can adapt better to it.中appreciation该怎么理解.原句翻译恶劣环境生存的机遇总是垂青于那些更好地适应它的人们 in appreciation of their time怎么翻译?