scientist discovery 2010 他的意思和答案他的意思和答案 (中&英)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 18:06:06
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discovery scientist discovery 2010 他的意思和答案他的意思和答案 (中&英) Like a scientist bent on making a discovery,he must cherish the hope that one day he will be amply rewarded.为什么要这样写?不是like a scientist who is bent on making a discovery吗 That scientist argued that his discovery ___the course of history.Achange Bis changing Cwas change把B中的is改为was行不?正在改变着历史进程? 英语翻译The discovery of methane gas on the seafloor of the Bermuda Triangle started a scientist ,Dr Mclver,thinking about an explanation for the mysteries. like a scientist bent on making a discovery这里的固定搭配 be bent on 怎么少了个be动词?是省略掉了吗 like a scientist bent on making a discovery这是新概念3课文中的句子:Like a scientist bent on making a discovery,he must.在这个句子中bent的词性是什么(作动词不应该用过去式吧?作形容词又少个be动词)?like后面 DISCOVERY怎么样 discovery意思 discovery是什么意思 The young scientist made another wonderful discovery,______of great importance to study SARSA.which i think is B.which i think it isC.i think which is D.i think is which The old scientist made another great discovery ,______ of great importance to science.A which i think B which i think is C which i think it is D i think which The scientist has made another discovery ,____I believe is o great importance.AthatB /C which Dwhy 我选的是第一个,你怎么说啊,请问你觉得囊 英语翻译There is probably no other woman scientist with as much controversy surrounding her life and work as Rosalind Franklin.Franklin was responsible for much of the research and discovery work that led to the understanding of the structure of the scientist “scientist”是什么意思? Scientist是什么意思? science-scientist