you need to take a bus改为一般疑问句并作否定回答如题

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 03:47:53
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Which bus ( )he ( A.need,to take B.does,need to take C.need,take It' isn't going to rain ,you an umbrella.A:needn't to take B:don't need take C:don't need to take You _____ take a bus.The hospital is near here.A.don't need B.not need C.need to D.don't have to It's rainy today,you need _____ an umbrella with you.是need take 还是need to take?10.It’s rainy today,you need _____ an umbrellawith you.A.take take C.takes D.taking我自己觉得A和B都对.一个是实义动词,一个是情态动词.但 I need notebook and a pen.Can you------them to me?A:take B:have C:play D:bring Can you ____ your dictionary to school this afternoon?有选项 A.need B.take C.bring Before you go to bed,please ()your things in order.选择a.put b.take c.bring d.need 求解析Travelling from England to Scotland you _______A.needn’t a passport B.don’t need to have a passportC.needn’t to take a passport D.don’t need take a passport 315.Take a good rest ,you _____worry about your study.A.needn't B.don't need C.not need D.needn't to You don't need to take( ) A.any medicine B.someYou don't need to take( )A.any medicine B.some medicine many medicines D.any medicines为什么选A ( ) Please_____the notebook____here.I need it.A.bring ,/ B.take ,/ C.bring ,to D.take ,to Sometimes you need to take a hard fall in order to figure out where you stand. You'd better ( ) a bus.A.take take You to take your math book with you.You have a math class this B.want c.need D.look You -------- an umbrella.It‘s sunny outsideA、needn’t to take B、don‘t need takeC、not need to take D、needn’t take When you want to buy something,you need to take the price into ________.A.considerable B.considerate C.consideration D.considering You need to take a walk after eating to have gooYou need to take a walk after eating to have good teeth you need to take a temperature 和I may to do that things 语法都对吗