汉译英 在你看来谁是获胜者?Who,___ ___ ___ is the winner?填 in your opinion 为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 19:00:28
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汉译英 在你看来谁是获胜者?Who,___ ___ ___ is the winner?填 in your opinion 为什么? who's your daddy?别告诉我是谁是你爸爸 在你看来,老阿达“傻”吗? I don't know who you are是who you are 那为什么翻译你是谁是who are you? 翻译:牢记 Who is the _____(获胜者)in this game?你妹妹长的很标致,但稍微有点不爱说话Your sister is _____ But she's ____ ____ ___ ____ 看来你不是我在找的知音.英语翻译下 Who"s ___ ___ ___(在湖里游泳)?My father 2.Would you like some ___(鸡肉)and (土豆)? 3.She __ __ __ __ __(打算到达那里)tomorrow. 4.What colour are __ __(你的牛仔裤).My parents often fly to Beijing.My parent 你是谁是说who you are还是whom you are 英语翻译你应该在课后尽可能多的说英语 you __ __ __ speak __ __ English __ __ __ 谁是你的弟弟?你的弟弟是谁?的翻译都是——who is you brother? 、你在和谁说话?你们在谈什么? 用英语怎么说 Who are you ________ __________?What are you__ __? who __ __ told you about that在两个空格上填两个单词, 看来地球不适合你是什么意思? 看来你是死猪不怕开水烫了? 在你看来,为什么奥运会能在近代发展成为世界性的盛会? 你打算在北京呆多久?__ __ are you __ in Beijing?天什么? 英语翻译你知道谁是我最喜欢的电影明星吗?you know who is my favourite movie star?还是you know who my favourite movie star is? 在决赛结束是,获胜者讲获得奖牌和奖杯用英语怎么说