帮忙看看我的雅思作文吧.students from rural areas often find it difficult to access to university education,so people think universities should make it specially easy for them to study at.To what extent do you agree or disagreeAlthough I’

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 06:37:28
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我的雅思作文帮忙批改 评分 帮忙看看我的雅思作文吧.students from rural areas often find it difficult to access to university education,so people think universities should make it specially easy for them to study at.To what extent do you agree or disagreeAlthough I’ 帮忙看看我的雅思小作文能得几分啊,剑5 Test2 Task 1Illustrated are two column graphs,showing the two reasons for learning among students of five age groups (under 26-over 49) and the support situation by employers.It shows a moderately 雅思大作文几个句子帮忙看看有没有问题,如果有更好的表达方法呈现就更好了!(求专业的看看)1 It is quiet absurd that if an university receive equal male and female students in every subject from my perspective.2 I 雅思写作偏题可以得多少分我要崩溃了!今天考完雅思回家一看论坛,发现我的大作文偏题偏到天边去了.大家帮我看看,大作文的题目是university students should pay all the cost of their studies because univer 请帮我看看我写的雅思作文,并请指出其中的问题,最后按照评分标准给个分数.TASK:Some teachers say students should be organized into groups to study.Others argue students should study alone.What is your opinion?ANSWER:In thi 求大侠帮我看看我的雅思大作文,顺便估下分~上次考了5.5 这次不想悲剧了~Somepeople think that school should put students in different classes according totheir academic ability,while some others believe that students of diffe 好吧,这个雅思作文,偶修改第三遍了,各位善良的人,帮忙看看这样子算逻辑清晰了么?7分有么?随便说1.教育(因材施教和群教)Topic:Some people think that schools should select students according to their academ 大家帮忙看看我的雅思作文 谢谢人类生活水平的下降的原因和解决办法,都是我自己写的,能有5分么?自己写作真心不好.我不会再低了吧?In the contemproary world,the quality of life in some large cities is be 帮我看看作文要怎么修改? 愿意帮忙的答我,我重发图片 雅思大牛们,麻烦帮忙看看这篇作文吧!麻烦各位大牛看看有什么问题,哪里需要提高...话说我之前考,写作最高也就5.5 ,太低了太低了...现在想要提到6...有好心大牛能够帮忙改改更好啊!An increasi 雅思大作文的一句话帮忙看看对不对Only when we get enough money and live a life we want,the job satisfactory can be guranteed. 关于会计的题目,谁帮忙看看,教教我吧 大家帮我看看这个雅思作文的开头有没有问题,语法或者可以更好的表达,不要改变我的大致意思.thx~Today,many education organizations have reached a consensus that schools should choose students in accordance with their 帮忙批改下这篇雅思大作文吧,Some people think university education should prepare students for employment while others think it should help students acquire theoretical knowledge.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.---正文:No 雅思强人请进,帮忙看看我的雅思大作文大概有几分,并给点意见,Q:many people believe that the main aim for university education is to help graduates to find better jobs,while some people believe that university education has wi 各位英语能手们!帮忙看看我的作文哪里错了改过来, 帮忙看看我这两道题做的对吗?谢谢