as的语法问题And the result was as Mao feared;这里as Mao feared是什么从句,为什么可以跟在was后面

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 02:22:22
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as的语法问题And the result was as Mao feared;这里as Mao feared是什么从句,为什么可以跟在was后面 What was the resul and what does the speaker want to 请帮我分析一下下面这个句子中的所用到的as的语法问题As settlers landed in North America and established the United State,English found itself with two sources--American and British feel oneself do The mother felt herself grow cold and her hands trembled as she read the letter from the battle field.抱歉.我没说清楚,我问的是语法.算了,这问题扔给投票吧 英语翻译British newspapers are much smaller than they used to be and their readers are often in a hurry,so newspapermen write as few words as possible.They tell their readers at once what happened,where,when and how it happened and what the resul 英语选择题目顺便说下它的语法All the fruit is free.You can few as possible much as possible much as you can D.Both B and C The disease malaria,which is spread by mosquitoes,kills over one million children yearly.______,______,according to the United Nations,hunger and malnutrition claim ten million lives each year.A.However B.On the contrary C.On top of this D.As a resul the same as的用法so it seems paradoxical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity and innovation.请求详细分析一下这句话的语法成分尤其是in the same context as creativity and innovation. 语法问题(倒装句)____,they have boldly undertaken the construction of a 25-storeyed they are youngb.young as they arec.they are as young as they are还有其他的形式吗? 和上一道题同样存在比较的SAT语法问题Because the America Indian rodeo includes games and exhibitions developed as early as the seventeenth century,they predate by a few hundred years the form of rodeo now seen on TV.这道题的答案 as soon as的语法 语义与语法问题:such as samples produced when it is proved the team求解这句话的意思..语法是什么?when it is proved the team 感觉就是少了东西啊..这个是出现在国际会计准则里面的句子,描述installation and co 请帮忙确认下面的翻译有没有语法或者时态方面的毛病,有的话请指出,谢谢!We don't have found the solder shortage defect in bad units of RDSON after confirm the FA result, you can refer to the attahcment for FA analysis resul 请教一个英文句子的语法问题as a consequence,efforts to improve economic and social condition,which have a transportation component,as most do,are less efficient and the breadth of opportunities is more restricted.请大虾们帮我分析 英语长句语义语法问题,请老师指点【前面分句的语法结构】Birth control was less of a concern as she got older, but she took the pill to help with her heavy, painful periods, and to make the supply last, she tried alternating one 英语长句语义语法问题,【前面分句的语法结构】Birth control was less of a concern as she got older,but she took the pill to help with her heavy,painful periods,and to make the supply last,she tried alternating one month on,one month 一些SAT语法问题寻求解答As rare as diamonds,some species of coral growing as deep as 2000 feet beneath the sea and are highly prized in the Hawaiian jewelry trade.答案说是grow as deep as,那这里为什么不是deeply?To insist that a po I have made more and more friends as well as improved my oral English.这句话有语法问题么?