I asked the man ( )questions,but he said ( ),but he said ( )words.A.many,fewB.a lot of,a few为什么是B?我记得我以前好像做过这道题,好像是选的A吖?随便说说a few与few到底该在什么情况下用?虽然知道一个是肯定,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 16:39:58
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.I asked the young man _________________(挨着站的)me what was happening outside.(stand) I asked him to 3Q 改宾语从句 “What have you got in your bag?they asked.还有句”Mary,when is the next train?he asked.再加句 “Shall I wait for them or shall I go on?the man asked. Shall I wait for them or shall Igo on?the man asked.将它改为间接引语要怎么改.. i asked the old man __at home a.to instead of reading .b.instead of reading 要解释 直接引语变间接引语谁会帮我一下I asked him 'how many books do you have?'I asked him2. the woman asked the police,‘where is the nearest hospital?’ the woman asked the police3. the old man asked his son ,'what ar 根据答句写问句 Q:___________________A:Yes ,i know the man on the bike. l asked the man ()box to the school yesterday. the police man asked how the accident had o_______ The reporters asked the man ------ questious ,but he said ------words. the man i who is that man in red?I asked himI asked him who that man in red isor I asked him who is that man in red? The woman teacher asked the studentsCan you understand what i am saying?'改为间接引语,3q be asked the man was asked to make a seech at the meeting怎么讲 the man beat my car window and asked for help the old man kept in (s )when they asked 求帮忙改一下这几个句子,改成间接引语:“Mary,when is the next train?he asked.“Mary,when is the next train?he asked.Is there anyone here?he asked.Shall I wait for them or shall I go on?the man asked.would you like to come in the man asked the old woman where he was going to set off.改为直接引语到底是where am i 还是are you?为什么?