急,速度啊 与你何干 What does it ( )( ) ( )( ) you改同义句You should do something to improve your personal healthYou should do something to( ) your personal health ( )

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 00:52:43
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急,速度啊 与你何干 What does it ( )( ) ( )( ) you改同义句You should do something to improve your personal healthYou should do something to( ) your personal health ( ) 歌德的“我爱你,与你何干”这句诗出自他的哪首诗? 请问歌德的‘我爱你,与你何干’英文原文是什么?出处是哪里?如题如果有德文的更好~ What days does that happen怎么翻译啊?急 填空 what does he look like? he____is the same height and build____速度啊!急急急.......sorry.补充一下what does he look like? he is____ the same height and build____me.是填空 制造纳米铜,纳米碳管与化学何干? what does this word mean?急 What color does you want?改错急 (急!)What does this unit____?填空 我听过人家说“我能体会你的心情”,但我不知道“体会”的目的是什么为什么人的心情需要别人体会呢?别人能体会,与自己何干?别人不能体会,与自己又何干?“体会”这个词,是不是只是嘴上 和what does he look like 句意相同的还有那些啊?^0^急 是What does Ben is need还是What does Ben need?急…… What does your mother look like?(改为同义句)急啊啊啊啊啊!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?What _______ your mother _________? 世事多舛,你来何干?请问这句话想表达什么意思? 急求英语作文“what job does your father do”快啊!50字左右就行了!有提示:1.what job does your father do?2.how is he?3.what does he usually do? what does she like?的回答是什么 急 does he else what do连词成句,急 What time does it finish 的回答 急