the hare was very p with the other animals

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 06:11:43
the hare was very p with the other animals the farmer s_______ a hare yesterday in the forest ,he was very happy a hare was very p______ with the other animals,and they all climed to be her friends.One day the hare heard the hounds getting n_____ her and hoped to escape with the h____of her friends. 英语翻译he tortoise and the hare.( 龟兔赛跑英文短剧 )旁白:Good morning everyone,Now ,I will tell you a story about Mr.Tortoise and Miss Hare .In Once upon a time,there was a hare and a tortoise .Miss Hare is very proud of her long legs 英语翻译The tortoise lost the race last time.He thought over and then got an idea.He asked the hare to have a race again.It was a fine day,the hare and tortoise began running.The hare ran very fast.He thought he would win the tortoise again.Howev 英语翻译One day,a tortoise was walking down a road.He was walking very slowly.A hare saw him and laughed.You are so slow! You are wrong,said the tortoise.I'm not slow,but I don't like to hurry. I'm right!said the hare.Let's have a race!I A farmer was very tired after work.He sat near a big tree.The sun was very hot and it was very cool under the tree.A hare(野兔)ran out of a hole(洞).When it saw the farmer,it was afraid.It ran away quickly.It ran so hurriedly(匆忙地) that its h 英语作文 The lovely hare After running for a while the hare was able to find___in the grass and was____with safety(cover) the workers worked very hare.they so were often praised by theer boss(改错)拼错了- 是 hard 、their The article was very meaty The trip was very( ) The old man was very ugly to look at ,but he was p_.急切需要,P字开头 p开头的单词形容词 “The bus driver was not very p——”she said angrily 龟兔赛跑的英语作文Mr.Tortoise and Miss Hare had a race.Why was Miss Hare late?What did she do in the race and what did she think ofit?Write a short story according to the pictures rewrite the fallowing sentences,using the past.p correctlyRewrite the fallowing sentences,using the past.p correctlyEliza felt very angry because Freddy was laughing at her改:Laughed at her,Eliza felt very angry.为什么不是 Being laughed at her, One morning,the hare and the tortoise have a race.At first the hare runs very fas-t.He is far ahead of the tortoise.He sits under a tree and soon he falls asleep.The tortoise keeps on running hard.At last the tortoise wins the race.He says to the har The food was very delicious感叹句