请帮我看下这个英文句子可以不可以这样改成虚拟语气~there is a chance for me to start over,perhaps i`ll choose the same way.i didn`t regret in any way for all these things i`ve done.改成 there were a chance for me to start over

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 19:57:32
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请帮我看下这个英文句子可以不可以这样改成虚拟语气~there is a chance for me to start over,perhaps i`ll choose the same way.i didn`t regret in any way for all these things i`ve done.改成 there were a chance for me to start over 帮我看下这个句子可以这样改吗原文是 the water too hot for me to drink 这杯水太热了,我喝不下去把FOR me 放在后面可以吗?the water too hot to drink me forto drink又是个不定词请问在什么情况下一定要用不 英文中since 可否与 until 连用since the Chinese Exclusion Act was enacted in 1882, America closed the door to Chinese immigrants until 1943. 请问可以这样用吗?不可以的话请帮我改正下可以吗? 帮我看下这个句子:The hijackers refuse to yield to demands (to release the passengers)to后面的部分是修饰demand 用of ,或着定语从句是不是可以替换它?它这样写有啥好处? 请大家帮我改改英文介绍大家帮我看看呀 这个是我的英文介绍 也许不是很好 帮我看下,可以修改的地方请告诉我It’s my pleasure to introduce myself to you here. My name is Di wen yi.My English name is Yami. I ho 请好心人帮我看下我的定语从句这样写可以吗Culture shock bings a lot of effect which has positive and negative for people. 英文我看到了怎么写?是这样子嘛?I looked away 如果不是请给下这个句子的正解 《《《帮忙看下这个句子可以这样写不?》》》》》》I think the person who is grateful for me in my life is my father. 请帮我答下18题看不清可以放大看即可 第一题,如果我有错的请告诉我,(3)怎么写,第三题有人可以帮我看下对不对吗, That might really help.我觉得这个句子不完整.might是个情态动词,后面直接是表语help.这样可以吗?请分析下这个句子各部分的结构/成分?(如果它不完整的话,请说明下其缺少的结构/成分) 这个是什么东西,干嘛用的.最可以帮我翻译下上英文 请帮我看下这个图什么意思? 请帮我用英文翻译一下这个地址,一定要标准,填快递用谁能用英文帮我翻译下标准的,官方的这个地址:重庆市 南岸区南坪西路上海城16栋XX-XX(几楼几号),请一定要标准,那个重庆市可以不翻 谁帮我把这个英语单词改成有个性的单词(always)always 像可以把W改为ω 其他的你们帮我改下 With my head down and my knees still shaking,I trudged into the house.请帮我分析一下这个句子的语法结构.还有,可以改成时间状语从句吗?怎么改? 帮忙看下这个句子有没有语病China is no doubt that accelerates globalisation by its carrying out the policies of reform and opening up and joining WTO老师说accelerates这里有问题 可以帮我把这个句子改好一些吗?真是不 tax returns英文解释有哪位高手可以用英文帮我把tax - returns这个单词解释下