这里it was为什么能省略

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/16 15:09:11
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这里it was为什么能省略 句子省略This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved.这里and后面是不是省略了it is,为什么能这样省略,类似的句子是不是都能这样省略? as……as比较级省略问题though in those days travelling is not as easy as it is today 这里的is能够省略吗,为什么有的能省略,lucy is asgood student as jack it was found to be over thirteen feet long这里的to be 可以省略吗? It was a more difficult life than he was used to,so he had to work hard to support the family.A.was used to B.used to这里为什么可以省略to后面的动词?选什么?为什么? he found it not easy to sleep为什么这里it后的be 动词省略了 He can work it out.请问这里it可以省略吗,为什么 i arrived there just as it was beginning to snow.谁能告诉我这里为什么用beginning?什么用法啊? it is not feasible and promptly go back to sleep这里为什么要省略to he is kind and easy to get along with.这里的介词with能不能省略,为什么?什么时候能省略? they were told it was a natural part of aging 我想不通为什么要加werethey told it was a natural part of aging 我忘记了 什么时候能省略 that Come over anytime you feel like【 it】?这里it算什么用法?详解…谢谢.为什么it不能省略? NCE L36A long- lost brother,who was presumed dead was really alive all the time and wickedly plotting to bring about the hero's downfall.这里plotting前为什么能省略was?was really alive中的was词性是什么?was plotting地was 又是什么? I found it was pleasant to be with your family that为什么省略? I was disappointed and about to go home to get it.为什么and 后面的没有was?是省略了吗?什么情为什么and 后面的没有was?是省略了吗?什么情况下可以省略?、求教 whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing it well.为什么这里的it要省略? how important it is to learn English.这个句子中的it is 能省略吗为什么 Given more time ,I can do it better这是一个省略句,原句是if i was given more time, i can do it better.为什么可以省略?