请问一个英语语法表达问题?This paper proposes a PDF document watermark embedding method, for the PDF text watermark method which has low watermark capacity and poor robustness and so on. It will make PDF document into image files, and then

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 05:25:08
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请问一个英语语法表达问题?This paper proposes a PDF document watermark embedding method, for the PDF text watermark method which has low watermark capacity and poor robustness and so on. It will make PDF document into image files, and then 英语语法问题-请问这题选哪个?为什么?This is the city where/in which I met John 英语语法问题-请问这是一个什么从句?We have no idea when she was born 请问一个压强单位换算问题:1 bar等于多少 Pa 问一句英语语法问题It is impolite to break into other people's house without kenockingat the door请问kenocking为什么要加ingmust we return this book this weeked请问this weeked前为什么不要加in 可以in吗? 英语语法句子成分分析问题,详见问题补充.To what email address should this link?这应该是一个特殊疑问句,为什么 to提到句子的最前面? 英语语法问题-请问这是一个什么从句 that可以省略么?I am very touched that you cried yesterday. 初一英语语法问题请问:across与cross的区别是什么? 英语语法问题:请问感官动词有没有进行时态?谢谢!~ 关于英语语法问题(非谓语)请问一下,我如果要把一个句子变成一个非谓语短语的话一定要把原来的主语省略吗? 英语语法问题,our moms and dads和our husbands and wives这种表达对吗? (1/2)英语语法问题:this is the place which( where ) I have ever visited 用wh 请问英语语法 I believe that this house is for salethat可以省略掉吗,为什么, 英语语法 请问,this display is 100% chocolate including the sand including 是什么用法? 问个简单的英语语法问题有个句子:in this way they can excel even further,which could possibly inspire them to be better.请问这句话which所引导的是什么,是同位语?还是别的? l like this a piece of clothing 想请问这句话有没有问题,我想表达的中文意思是”我喜欢这件衣服“ 英语语法问题-请问定语从句里,什么时候用who/whom?英语语法问题-请问定语从句里,什么时候用who什么时候用whom?请举例说明 请问怎么用英语表达这句话?Is this acceptable fabric for couch?--------想给他一个肯定的答复,请问用英语得怎么说?