He drove away in the direction of BeijingHe drove away_in__the direction_of_Beijing 为什么这么填 求理由!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 03:14:17
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He drove away in the direction of BeijingHe drove away_in__the direction_of_Beijing 为什么这么填 求理由! He drove away ___ the direction of London.A.in B.at C.to D.for 答案是in,如何理解 he started the engine, pulled away from the side of the street and drove down翻译 The man drove away,___(leave) his wife ___(stand) in the rain. He drove a good trade in sth. The two____ (rob) got into the car and drove away The man drove as fast ( )he could. This is a story about a monkey.An old man had a monkey.The old man liked the monkey very much.The monkey was very clever.When birds came to the garden,he drove them away.He also helped the old man in many other ways.One hot afternoon in the summer,th the robbers drove away their van填什么介词? 英语翻译1.in 1955,ray kroc visted a small restaurant in California.the owner of it was the Mcdonald.The restaurant was by the road .Many people drove up to the restaurat ,bought food and drove away drove away easily.they didn't get out of their c 英语翻译1.in 1955,ray kroc visted a small restaurant in California.the owner of it was the Mcdonald.The restaurant was by the road .Many people drove up to the restaurat ,bought food and drove away drove away easily.they didn't get out of their c 英语 选择最恰当的答案 首字母填空一)So he drove away w picking up the old man to the hospital .The old man was clever enough .He looked up and kept Tom's car n in his mind.二) It's often -- for parents to communicate with their te He drove carefully to ________ the holes in the road.A.preventB.avoidC.keep想问下prevent与avoid的区别 He hurried away in the ______(相反). he walked away with his nose in the air , draw He draw away in the direction of London 英语词语填空car,lose,they,far,until,play,hour,past,call,decideA woman had a cute cat.But her husband hated it and wanted to throw it away.One dayhe drove the cat one mile from61_____home and left it in a park.But when he got home he saw his wif The polluted air in this area has a strange smell,__ many people away. 为什么要填driving 而不填drove?谢谢.