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GLAMOUR OF Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze 我要中文翻译! Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze 的意思 问下几个短语,radical religion and politics,radical 修饰的是不是religion and politicsthe wealth and glamour of Manhattan and Beverly Hill 是不是Manhattan 和 Beverly Hill 的wealth和glamour 为什么不能说是Manhattan的the wealth a 问下几个短语,radical religion and politics,radical 修饰的是不是religion and politicsthe wealth and glamour of Manhattan and Beverly Hill 是不是Manhattan 和 Beverly Hill 的wealth和glamour 为什么不能说是Manhattan的the wealth a 问下几个短语 radical religion and politics,radical 修饰的是不是religion and politicsthe wealth and glamour of Manhattan and Beverly Hill 是不是Manhattan 和 Beverly Hill 的wealth和glamour 为什么不能说是Manhattan的the wealth a 帮我看看这个英文句子有没有错not just the cowboy will tired of the city's glamour and sights. old-school glamour意思翻译下 英语翻译They agreed also as to the proudest moment they had known in that calling which is never embraced on rational and practical grounds,because of the glamour of its romantic associations. 英译汉一句,高手请进!The posed photos that performers submit with their resumes are almost invariably of the glamour variety and are often touched up by the photographer and frequently taken long ago. 英语翻译1.Payne gained a reputation for sund,if orthodox ,views.2.Her reticence was in sharp contrast to the glamour and star status of her predecessors.3.Extreme caution should be exercised when buying part-worn tyres. 请求翻译,就是下面这句话,翻译成中文.The bloom of success-----They envy the beauty and glamour of a moment.Yet once it's shoot was drenched in tears of struggle,and soaked in the bloody rain of sacrifice.取自《繁星·春水》 英语翻译The term “fashion” is frequently used in a positive sense,as a synonym(同义词) for glamour(魔力,魅力) and style.In this sense,fashion is a sort of communal (公有的)art,through which a culture examines its notions of beau 英语翻译I can't help myselfI'm addicted to a life of materialIt's some kind of joke,I'm obsessively opposed to the typicalAll we care about is,runway models,cadillacs and liquor bottlesGive me something I wanna be,retro glamour,Hollywood yes we l 英语翻译How Barbie dolls and the fashions reflect American ideals of glamour and affluence is the subject of this discourse.But is the Barbie doll more than a symbol?Is it a role model with lasting effects for the girls who play with the doll?The how to presue happiness?I want a beautiful life,but don't know how topresue it.One should cherish his life instead ofwasting it.once one lives,his or her lifeshould not dim but glamour.One might as well be happy instead of living sadlyfor a day. 英语翻译When aseat in the state legislature opened up in 1996,some friends persuaded me to run for the office,and I won.I had beenwarned,before taking office,that state politics lacks the glamour of its Washington counterpart; one labors largely there is no reason for which we cant combine fitness with glamour.which指代什么