His pet dog died,and that made him _______ A look sad B look sadly C looks sadly D looks sad

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 19:26:25
His pet dog died,and that made him _______ A look sad B look sadly C looks sadly D looks sad His pet dog follows him here and there.改为同义句:His pet dog follows his() Peter's little pet dog died and this made him vety unhappy(改为同义句) the little pet dog’s____ ____Peter very____ . he ________ a piece of meat and threw it to his pet dog jack is friendly to his pet dog and it follows him___ 一道改错题His dog,that was now very old,became ill and died为什么要把That 改成 Which he usually plays with his pet dog in the afternoon.划线提问he usually plays with his pet dog in the afternoon.plays with his pet dog 划线 Amy was very sad because her pet dog _____yesterday请问应该填什么?died?可是had died为啥不行? his pet dog fills hie life with____(pleasant). 英语 My father is (w) about his pet dog. 14.Tom's grandpa usually plays [ ]his pet dog Jim has a pet in his home and his name is Tommy.It's a dog.(哪里错了.并改正) 以mary and her pet dog写一篇作文. The movie is about a (t )story of an old man and his pet dog,so it is very moving.根据句意填词,完成句子 His pet dog felt sick last night and he _A.threw it away B.called me to kill it C.killed it himself D.called me for help Tim was sad because his pet dog______.A.was died B.had been dead C.had died D.had been died he took his pet dog to the park,yesterday的同义句=He ___ his pet dog ___ the park,yestday Tom is watching his pet dog ____.( )Tom is watching his pet dog ____.( ) A .to eat B .eating C .to eating D .eats 并讲讲原因.