in the uk ,a woman doesn't like to be askedwhether she had been married这句有什么错误

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 16:06:08
x)S(HU(VIT(MSHO-S/QNU(WHJUH,NM)H*-R(HL)&e?igs:nx唙/֯I*ҧ`ۢ_`gCtާK7?kXdGisYc]^N_tg3?MOWβ/.H̳ 6?
in the uk ,a woman doesn't like to be askedwhether she had been married这句有什么错误 如何区别in+服装与wear+服装比如Manzu women______cheogsam B.wear C.wore D.put onThe woman ____(in/wear)jeans is from the UK.应选什么 in the uk ,a woman doesn't like to be asked------ A.whether she had been married B.what is her much she weighs D.where she comes from.答案竟然是c,求解释 In the UK,a woman usually doesn't like to be asked_______A whether she had been married B what is her age C how much she weight D where she comes from. 是in UK还是in the UK? In the UK ,a woman doesn't like to be asked ( In the UK ,a woman doesn't like to be asked ( A.whether she had been marriedB.where is her much she wighsD.where she comes from并将剩余答案改正确 英语语法用适当形式填空The Egyptian-born cleric————the right to remain in the UK after he married Valerie Traverso,a young English woman,in May 1980.(grant) The weather in UK is a safe topic. How many ____are there in the hospital A women doctor B women doctors C woman doctors D woman docte There are twenty ___ in the hospital.A.woman doctors B.women doctors C.woman's doctors D.women ( )How many ______can you see in the reading room?A.woman teacher B.woman teachersC.women teachers D.women teacher there are eighteen ( ) in the hospital.A.woman nurse B.woman nurses C.women nurses D.women nurse 单项选择:There is ( ) m in the word woman.A.aB.anC./D.the A married woman hops in the Do you know the woman( )a rea coad?A wear B wears C with D in The woman is on a visit _____ C.for The old woman lives ( ) a house ( ) a;and B.on;with;with D.with;in common、normal、ordinary、usual的区别 Letterboxes are much more____in the UK than```Letterboxes are much more____in the UK than in the US,where most people have a mailbox instead.A.common B.normal C.ordinary D.usual