为什么my parents后面是用are呢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 13:20:27
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为什么my parents后面是用are呢 They are my parents 提问用 Are they your parents?为什么不可以用 Are them your parents? My parents are now visiting my sister.是什么结构?完整的句子是:My parents are now visiting my sister in the United States.因为很好奇,visit已经是动词,为什么前面还要用be动词呢? 用We parents...You parents...They parents...A&B parents...My parents are… 造句 “there are my family,my parents、my sister and i”为什么用 i 不用me My parents are my()and () My parents 后面添( )going to park with me后面添加(are) 还是(is) my parents are () teacher我的父母都是老师 用all还是用both?为什么? My parents and I are both at home.次句为什么用both? I with my parents am/are watching plays为什么用am Both my parents are medium built其中 medium built 为什么? 这是我的父母是还是This is my parents?还是These are my parents? my parents‘ being blessed with health and happiness is my biggest wish.my parents后面为什么没有is 最高级后面可以加复数名词吗?my parents are the most important persons for me 这句话里,是is 还是are porson 要加s吗 判断一句英文My parents neither are teacher句子是否正确?可否改成My parents are neither teacher 谓语动词是用复数吗? He is my brother.they are my sister 观察句子,为什么he后面用is而they后面用are? 用are both或both are填空:My parents ( ) doctors. Those are my parents.(就画线部分提问)画线部分是my parents