Enough ____ here of this problemA has been saidB hsas saidC was saidDhave been said

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 03:30:28
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Enough ____ here of this problemA has been saidB hsas saidC was saidDhave been said 1.Here are some boys ____(play)basketball.2.This pair of shoe ____(cost)80yuan.1.Here are some boys ____(play)basketball.2.This pair of shoe ____(cost)80yuan.3.I don't have enough money ____(buy)him a walkman.4.Hi,Kitty!____ you ____(wait)for th bus? there are ___ enough rooms here for alll of you I'm ____(真正地)busy but happy here.I started my ____(课)at Etom School.At the ____(开始)ofI'm ____(真正地)busy but happy here.At the ____(开始)of this term,I'm _____(幸运)enough because my classmates are very ___ Enough of here are some suggestions 的同义句here are some ____ of ____ I'm ____(真正地)busy but happy here.I started my ____(课)at Etom School.At the ____(开始)of this term,I ____(不能)understand the teacher in class.I'm _____(幸运)enough because my classmates are very _____(友好)and Enough has (has)here of this issue空白处怎么填 Enough of it!Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any sense翻译汉语 dan单项选择 哥哥姐姐快来!1、Qingdao is ____ the east of China.A.on B.to C.in D.from 2、 This room is ____ ,but it doesn't have ____.A.enough big;enough windows B.big enough; window enough C.enough big;windows enough D.big enough;enough wi Here's a ____ of Li Ming' family. here ____ two cups of coffee for you Is there ____?A.enough the blue materialB.enough material of the blueC.the enough blue material D.engouh of the blue materialI have had ____A.enough of red wine B enough of this red wine C enough wine of this red D this enough red wine都是关于eno 1.Both of the sister are here.____ ____are here.同义句转换 1You're _____ enough _____ the school trip.(organize) 2Here come the twins and there ____ (go) the bell 3The boy ____ his father is fond of reading.A.likes B.unlike C.dislikes D.to like 4.Is it time _______?A.to have the breakfast B.for the breakfast ____ (be) five yuan enough to buy a tin of dog food? How many ____(个)of bread should be enough?What time ____we____(meet) tomorrow? 英语单项选择 :It's ____ far ____ walk home from here .Let's take a bus.A.so ; thatB.too ; toC.enough ; toD.such ; to